
New Insurance exemption clauses

This morning I opened the mail and noted that our business insurance (ASB) had some new clauses with respect to damage caused

to electronic data. Gone is the old clause relating to the Y2K issue (that was a laugh) and in its place is an exclusion for "loss of or

damage to electronic data from any cause whatsoever including but not limited to, a computer virus"

I guess this means that the insurance industry is seeing a significant amount of claims from this cause and are seeking to eliminate this risk to their profits.

Productive Habits

Every couple of months I take a Friday off from the business to attend a business coaching workshop as part of the Velocity program delivered by the marvelous people at The Breakthrough Co.

Last Friday's topic revolved around Habits, how to utilise what we know about habits to encourage productive activity which we can use to develop our businesses and to quarantine the bad habits that suck our energy.