Failing to use a Cyber Security Framework Like ISO27001 blinds you to your company’s privacy gaps

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 is considered one of the most stringent standards in the world, but for reasons all too many people are not taking that level of security management very seriously. Many companies are taking advantage of that and are failing to adequately protect sensitive data. If you’re not following proper cyber security practices, you may be leaving your business unprotected and wide open to possible legal issues.

Data Protection Is Important! -

The first reason why your company’s data is probably not protected in a very good way is that privacy is not a very high priority in some companies. Even if your data is protected, it may be accessible by other companies that have compromised your system, or you may get hacked. Data protection comes in many different forms, some of which are ISO27001, HIPAA, and PCI. If your company’s sensitive data is not protected, there is the very real possibility that someone will be able to steal your money or your customers’ privacy.

Insecure Networks Are a Common Weakness -

Your company’s data is probably being stored on insecure networks at the very least. If you’re not careful, even if there is a patch on a server in your company, that patch could still be backported by a hacker and then applied to the main files and databases on your network. You need to make sure all networked computers are patched against this security issue. You should also make sure there are no other loopholes in your network.

People lack Awareness and Minimise the issue -

Unfortunately, many people feel that their private information is insignificant, that the cost of protecting it is high when compared to the benefits. At the very least, you should not have financial or personal information stored on a server that is not being patch or updated at least once a month. Even if your company doesn’t have any confidential information, you should still take steps to make sure that this is the case. This will help you protect your business’s data and other confidential material in the event that your company gets hacked.

You need to make sure your company takes the necessary steps to protect its data and other sensitive information. If you want to learn how to protect your data, speak to someone from our team today. If you need help preventing your company from being hacked, request a data security risk review.